
Showing posts from November, 2009


[Pubby's Note: This post is mostly fiction, and very mildly fact. Please do not take it seriously] A long, long time ago, in the land of Rajputana , there was a small, peaceful kingdom in the region of Gaumukh . The kingdom was called Dosamgarh , and it was a fast-growing realm of businessmen; people who liked to speak, to negotiate, to cut deals, and to gather goods and money. This money they gathered wasn’t for their own personal needs, although the drinks they got they generally kept to themselves. The money was used to hold the three big festivals, held every year in the honour of Tukdeydev , the lord of culture, innovation and sports. The festivals were the most important affair in Gaumukh ; so important that the king of Dosamgarh used to spend his entire life working for them, and his scions were the high priests of the festivals. After a few years, though, it became apparent that Gaumukh had become a very desolate place. Most people who used to live there had either emigrate...